Certificates of compliance with management systems
- Certificate of Conformity of the Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015), No.21110355 QM15 dated 17.07.2023
- Certificate of Conformity of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001:2018), No.21110357 OHS18 dated 10.07.2023
- Certificate of Conformity of the Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015), No.21110357 OHS18 dated 17.07.2023
Extracts from the registers of members of self-regulating organizations
- Extract from the register of members of SRO in the field of construction, reconstruction, major repairs, demolition of capital construction facilities
- Extract from the register of members of SRO in the field of engineering surveys and in the field of architectural and construction design
- License to carry out activities for installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety devices for buildings and structures, No.02-B/00045 dated 15.07.2005
- License for the operation of explosive and chemically hazardous production facilities with hazard classes I, II and III, No.VKh-41-801476 dated 01.07.2016
- License to carry out activities for conducting industrial safety appraisal, No.DE-00-007167 dated 14.03.2007
- License to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and other people by buses, No.AN-102-000465 dated 31.05.2019
- License to carry out activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, emplacement of waste with hazard classes I-IV, 02No.00419 dated 29.11.2016
- License to carry out educational activities of PEI AVE "SNEMA-SERVIS" Training Center", No.2642 dated 08.04.2014
Accreditation certificates
- Certificate of registration in the Russian Calibration System, No.001649 dated 22.08.2023
- Certificate of Compliance with the requirements of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, No.19.07063.130 dated 12.08.2019
- Certificate of registration of an ECM program, No.2019663292 dated 15.10.2019
- Certificate of Product Conformity "Automated process control system of "SNEMA-SERVIS", No. EAEU RU C-RU.MN10.V.00196/19
- Certificate of Product Conformity "Pipeline components of category 3", No. EAEU RU C-RU.OS12V.00044/19
- Certificate of Product Conformity "Welded pipeline assembly units of category 3", No. EAEU RU C-RU.OS12V.00045/19